Aleksandar Bogunović


A boy born 6.4.2008 in Ljubljana, now living in Postojna .
With his 7 months Aleks left his country and went to Mexico with his family. Father’s passion for motorsports forced him to buy his son an electric toy car before he even starts to walk. At the beginning the car served him as a support to stand up and at the end he starts walking on the side of his car! aleks_mustang

With his two years when Aleks reached the gas pedal he was driving his mustang on his own and drifted him through the curves. Soon the speed was to low and his father needed to change the charger and the batteries and Aleks reached the speed of 18km/h.

With his four years, for the first time Aleks try the real go-kart on the Autodromo de Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico and sit into the kid kart chassis with two stroke Comer 50ccm engine and was completely excited.

Like this he started his racing career and the same year becomes the sub champion of Rotax Maxchallenge – kid kart category of northeast Mexico!

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Next year he wins most of the races and becomes the champion of Rotax Max
Challenge Noreste 2014category Kid Kart.

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At the end of the same year his father takes him to the international cup of GPI Guadalajara 2014. This was the first that kind of a race for Aleks there were pilots from 14 countries from all over the world. Nevertheless of high pressure Aleks shown his extremely capacity of concentration and dominate through all practices, won the pole position and wins the final race.


After the won race his father consult with other owners of different teams about Aleks move to the next category – Micro max and the suggestions were all positive because they saw a lot of potential and capacity in Aleks.

Because of big financial investment his father buys him a used kart and the old Rotax 125ccm engine (2002 year).


So the decision was made that Aleks will race the year 2015 in Micro max category. The first race unfortunately Aleks didn’t finish because of engine problem. Second one he finished second chasseing the first one!

After the second race Aleks gets a new chassis and his father agree with the Falcone GP racing team that Aleks join them and start to race in USA. In April 2015l when Aleks just tur his 7 years he had his first race in Dallas for TX challenge, and make fantastic, incredible results although he was two years younger than the rest of the pilots!!!

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Phenomenon results Aleks was basically as fast as the best pilots he had almost the same lap times as Ugo Ugochukwu (that time international champion) and Diego LaRoque, who is actual world champion of 2016 in the Micro Max category!!!



Here was seen that Aleks definitely have a huge talent and that he is a big potential. This year Aleks participate also at Denton, Texas; Las Vegas, Nevada; San Junction, Colorado; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, where the pole was taken from him just for a few cents of the second where he was faster than Italian Enzo Scionti and with a lot of bad luck he finished fourth at the finals!!!

At home in Mexico regardless of his age he dominated and become the national champion of Mexico in the Micro max category!!!


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levo z dvignjenem pokalom

At the GPI Guadalajara 2016 Aleks again demonstrated that he is the best and fought for the pole position and reached second place, and with huge engine problems finish third and defend this place as a professional!!!

Mexican GO-KART magazine- the cover!


The article about Aleks in the GO-KART magazine!!!


max-c-grand-national-me-2016 Letos je Aleks zmagal Max Challange Grand National Mehika in si tako priboril ticket za Rotax Max World finals.


This year in April Aleks returned to his country Slovenia with his family where he immediately starts racing for the Slovenian Rotax challenge and in the first race he finished 3rd and the next 4th and the fourth race hi finished 2nd, he didn’t participated at all races because he went to race to Austria at the Euro Max Finals with the team Lotus with the leader of the team Domen Jerančič and with the support of his father Franc. Big experience Aleks gets also in Adria Italy at the WSK cup in the category mini 60, where he was racing against 13 years old guys!!!

IMG_0340Vransko – Aleks and his coach Domen Jerančič

Vransko – and 3rd place with the team LOTUS kart racing
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Cividale Italy – and 2nd place with the team LOTUS kart racing.
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Aleks didn’t race all national races and anyway finished 4th in total!

Max World Finals 2016 Sarno – Italy

Aleksandar one of two 8 years old pilots in the world championship!


14.10.2016 participate at the world championship in Sarno – Italy. After the perfect start of the week when he was reaching the top 10 lap times and 13th qualifying time he gets penalty and that push him back to 22nd position from where he couldn’t get through to the front.

Aleks was one of two pilots on this world championship with 8 years old the rest 34 pilots was 9 or 10 years old!

Year 2018 is very important for Aleks in his carrier because he reach his goal and and achived some big results as:
1. Became the national champion of Slovenia in karting Micro max category


2. Sub Champion of Sport Stil cup

3. He won the second place on European CEE bonus cup Rotax challenge in Austria were hi was fighting for the first place with Oscar Wurtz – son of ex formula 1 pilot Alexsandaer Wurtz

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Aleks is already in full preparation and training for next season with his new friend and coach Mr. Marijan Grubenski because the goal for next year is extremely high and that is podium at the WSK races!!!
For this, there will be a lot of trainings and sacrifices, Aleks is aware of that and highly motivated!

The calendar of races for WSK is here